Is Moving Stressful For Dogs? 

Just like moving can be stressful for us, it can also be stressful for our pets. Consider your dog’s point of view: strange adults are dismantling their territory, their owner’s behavior has changed, and then they’re transported to an unfamiliar place. Their whole routine has suddenly been disrupted, which can cause a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. But don’t worry, we’re here to provide you with tips and tricks to get your dog adjusted to your new home before, during, and after the move. 

Prepare Your Dog For Moving Into Your New Home

dog sitting on two people being pushed in moving boxes
Come Up with a plan

Setting aside time with your family to discuss a plan for your pet during the move is a really good start. Sometimes in the chaos of moving, what to do with the pets on moving day becomes an after-thought, and that’s where trouble can begin. Sketch out the days leading up to moving day and the days after you’ve settled in your new spot, and make sure someone is taking notes so you can refer back to “the plan”. Use this working document to capture additional questions, share with anyone who may be helping with the move, and think through logistics.

Check In With Your Vet

If you’re making a long-distance move, you’ll want to get recommendations for a good provider wherever you’re headed. It’s also a good idea to make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations, tests, or treatments before you make the move. Get your veterinarian to print your pet’s records and place them in a file, to be transported with the other “important files” separate from all of the other stuff.

Pack up your home gradually

A lot of dog owners will take any chance they can get to tell you that their dog is the smartest dog on the entire planet. Deep down, they know it's an exaggeration (hopefully?), but they do make a good point- dogs are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. They’ll block the door at even the faintest sound of the keys jingling, and they can pretty much predict their next mealtime down to the minute. Dogs will know something is up when the things they see every day suddenly start to disappear. Taking your time to pack up your home gradually will help avoid too much stress. 

Getting a jump start on packing never hurts, so try packing up the smaller items first. As your move-in date gets closer, you can start packing the larger items. This will reduce the amount of time that your dog must acclimate to still being home but not having any of their familiar spots or smells.  

Consider Sending Them to Grandma's House

If you have friends or family who have cared for your pets before, it might be a good idea to ask them to pet-sit for a few days before and after the move. That way you won’t worry about the cat getting packed into moving boxes, or the dog running out the door when you’re loading things into the car. Even if you have to pay for a professional pet-sitting service, the peace of mind might be worth it.

Desensitize your dog by getting them used to moving supplies 

During your move, your dog will be introduced to new sights, sounds, and textures that they've never encountered before. To help avoid too much stress, it’s important to help your dog to feel comfortable and at ease around these new items. Start by placing some moving boxes around the house for your dogs to explore at their own pace. You can even try placing a treat inside for them to find when they approach the boxes on their own. This will help them get used to the smell and even start to associate the moving supplies with positivity. Which can help minimize their anxiety as more supplies start to show up.  

Keep your dog’s regular routine 

Just like people, dogs find comfort in the familiar. Dogs can get anxiety if there is a lack of structure, so try to stick to your dog’s regular routine as often as you can. Make sure you take them out for their usual walks and potty breaks. And try to keep meal and play times the same. When your dog knows what to expect, it can help them to relax and feel safe.  

Set Up Your Pet's New "Home Base"

Sometimes it’s helpful to give them access to just a few rooms at first, so your pets can explore their new surroundings gradually. Besides the obvious things like a bed, water and food dish and litter box, think of other ways you can make your pet feel at home. Of course, some extra snuggles, and dedicated attention will also go a long way.

Create A "Go Bag"

Just the same way you’ll keep out some clothing, medicine, toothbrush, and other essentials for yourself during the move, put together a bag for your pet. This should include food, medications, leash, treats, and a few favorite toys that are easily accessible (not packed away in boxes) for immediate comfort.

Take your dog for walks in your new neighborhood 

If you are moving to a neighborhood that is close enough to your current home, try to take your dog for a few walks in the area. Letting them get familiar with this new environment will help them feel more comfortable as these walks start to become more regular. Make sure to carve out some extra time for them to explore and scope out all their new favorite potty-time spots. 

Give your dog a tour of the new house before moving day 

After your dog has gotten comfortable exploring the new neighborhood, it’s a good idea to stop by your new house once or twice before moving day. Letting them get familiar with the home before adding in all the external stressors may help to reduce anxiety the day of your big move. This can be on or off the leash, whichever works best for your dog.

Bring Water Home
Water in every region, city, and neighborhood has its own unique qualities, so it’s nice to bring a jug from your old home for your pet. Then you can gradually introduce the “new” water in your new house. 
Keep Them On A Leash

Even if Fido is usually great off-leash, during a move he can get anxious or excited, and then get disoriented in a new place. Until you and your pet feel totally comfortable with your new digs, make sure he/she is leashed and supervised, even in a fenced yard.


Broken glass on the sidewalk? A potentially aggressive dog at the end of the block? It’s nice to identify potential hazards before they become a problem for your pet, so take a few minutes to cruise around the area before you bring your pet out with you.

Prepare Your New Home For Your Dog 

2 dogs sniffing each other
Check the house for pet hazards

Can your dog get up and down the stairs? Is the yard fully fenced in? If there is not a doggy door, is there a good place to get one installed? Make sure to consider these factors before letting your dog settle in.

Give your dog some personal space 

A few days ahead of the move, set up a safe space in your new home for your dog that can be closed off if necessary. This is where you can put their bed, crate, water bowl, toys, or any other items they are familiar with. When it's time to eat, feeding them at their new spot will help them to associate the space with positivity and comfort.  

Find out if your new neighbors have dogs 

To be on the safe side, you may want to leave your dog at your old home for the first introduction to your new neighbors. If they do have a dog, ask if you can set up some time for your dogs to meet and get to know each other. Make sure both dogs are leashed, just to err on the side of caution. Give your dogs plenty of time to sniff around and get used to each other’s scents. Remember, the goal here is to make sure the dogs get along and won’t be barking at each other all day long. This is also a great opportunity to secure a possible new dog sitter for the future! While your dogs are doing their thing, take some time to get to know your neighbor. 

How to Settle Your Dog in Your New Home

australian shepard playing tug of war with a toy
Finding comfort in the familiar 

Even if you’re planning on buying new doggy accessories to suit the new house, it’s a good idea to keep some familiar items too. Before bringing your dog to the new house, make sure their bed and their favorite toys are already set up for them in their safe space. The familiar smells will help ease some anxiety and provide a little extra comfort. 

Take breaks for playtime! 

Just because you’re occupied by all things moving doesn’t mean your dog is too. Remember to take a break from unpacking every now and then to play with your dog and give them as much attention as possible. This is really a win-win, it's fun and relieves some stress on both sides.

Keep your dog’s brain happy 

When playtime is over, make sure they have something to keep them busy while you’re occupied. Interactive toys like food or treat puzzles provide your dog with mental stimulation, which is a great stress-reliever. This also helps them focus their energy on a more productive outlet, which is a lot better than deciding to rip up the new couch cushions if they get bored.  


Your dog should always wear their collar tags, but especially during the move. They will be unfamiliar with the area, so if they wander away, it’s important that whoever finds them can reach you. Make sure the tag has your phone number clearly visible, and your new address if you wish. 

Give your pup some time 

Time will be the greatest gift you can give your dog during the moving process. Make sure that they have enough time to get acclimated in their new space before adding in any other stressors, like housewarming parties, interior decorators, or landscapers. Avoid mentioning or doing anything that typically stresses your dog - like a visit to the groomers.  

Keep a routine  

Just like before the move, keeping your dog’s regular routine through the first few days in your new home is key! Nothing upsets a dog more than when they feel like they aren’t getting enough attention. As long as you’re still going on regular walks, taking playtime breaks, letting them outside to potty, and keeping mealtime the same, you’re golden.  

Dog Anxiety After Moving 

male hugging a golden retriever
Be patient 

Having patience is easier said than done, but it really goes a long way with your pup. Try not to force anything. Make sure you’re giving them plenty of time and space to settle in. If they misbehave, it’s best to stay calm and avoid harsh tones or punishments. Your dog is likely acting out of fear or anxiety. Reacting in a calm manner can help take away some of their stress. 

A little love goes a long way 

Dogs love attention, so if you notice they’re acting timid, throw a little extra love their way. Just make sure to keep a delicate balance between comfort and coddling. If you notice your dog is starting to become needy, try giving them attention in other ways besides petting. Try comforting them with a toy or activity.  

Keep your pups close 

During the first few weeks in your new home, try not to leave the dog alone for too long. This could foster feelings of abandonment and anxiety. If you do have to leave, make sure you give them something to play with while you’re out to desensitize their alone time.  

Natural remedies to reduce stress 

If all else fails, your local pet store has plenty of natural stress-relieving remedies like calming tablets, anxiety shirts, and hormone sprays with Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP). When combined with a healthy diet, exercise, and plenty of attention, these can be a great supplement to your dog’s care. 

How long does it take for a dog to adjust to a new home? 

It can take about three weeks for a dog to start to feel comfortable in a new home. A little bit of stress is normal for dogs adjusting to a new environment. If you notice your dog acting timid, try not to worry too much. In fact, dogs look to you for cues about when to worry, if you stay calm, chances are they’ll mirror your behavior. After a few weeks pass, if you notice your dog is still experiencing anxiety, it might be a good idea to take them to the vet to make sure something else isn’t going on.